Thursday, January 1, 2009


I was reflecting this morning on past Christmases...why is it the funny things always stick out in my mind?
I saw a picture of someone trying to tie their tree to their car and it reminded me of my husband and my first Christmas together...we were so stupid! We had this little Honda Accord and decided we were going to go get our first tree. We drove up to the lot all excited, pick out this fabulous tree...really tall cause we had vaulted celings. The guys at the lot told us that it would be a liability for them to tie the tree to our car for we had to do it...dumb and dumber! Let's just say that the rope he gave us didn't work (it's all about the rope) and we were lucky we had a sunroof cause that was the only way the tree was staying on top of our car! We drove all the way home with me unbuckled holding the tree with two hands through the sunroof going about 25 was quite a sight!
Anyway, that's my embarrassing moment of the day! Enjoy the New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Horse Creek Jewelry said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog! I hear you about the tree thing....I can picture you now..your hair flying while you desperately try to hold the tree down! I bet it was funny and goofy at the same time! Living in Oregon, we go out and get our trees and try to figure that out for a day too. Its all good!